I had to do a lot of playing around with my camera to finally get some pics of the rolled hay stacks. I just can't say how much this trip has really helped me expand my camera knowledge. And the confidence to play around with it. I'm really itching to start my real photography courses in my program at school.

I had a lot of fun editing this batch of photos. The landscaping was just perfect to do some non-typical edits. I am just in love with these and can't wait to order some prints and get them into frames for that complete look.

I thought as soon as we hit Colorado the scenery would change. It did in a way. We went from cornfields to rolling hills of nothing. I did the driving into Colorado, so no photos of that part. Eventually, the scenery started to become beautiful. Colorado was just as beautiful as I thought it would be. So much in fact that it will get its own blog if not two, so be on the look out for those.

We are getting settled into our house and slowly unpacking our belongings. I should start getting caught up in my Road Trip blogs soon. I just have so many photos to still go through and running all these errands to set up house again take up so much of our days. This upcoming week should be slower and more of my normal routine.

Love the pictures! Glad your trip was enjoyable!
I'm really liking your road trip across the states - and it's great you got to expand your camera knowledge at the same time. I can't wait to see the pictures from Colorado!
Fun trip!! And I am just loving your photos! Especially the one up top and the fourth one down!!
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